Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Sweet Smell of February?

A little while back I wrote a post about how I never look forward to the month of October and how it always seems like the time of year when my luck or karma or my heavenly blessings just seem to dry up and if something can go wrong, it will go wrong in October. Well, I think January got a little jealous and tried to give October a run for its money this year. It was a tough month and I was more than happy to turn the calendar page yesterday and see a new beautiful picture in my "Greek Isles" wall calendar. (Someday *fist in the air*, someday I'm going to go there even if I have to sell a vital organ to do so!)

I was so excited for February. A new month. Wipe the slate clean. Start over.

That is, until 4:30 am this morning.

Imagine me waking from a restless 4 hours of sleep. As I shift under the covers, I smell an awful odor. Our dog sleeps in our room so I groaned, "Nicky - what did you do?" Sniff, sniff. No - that's not dog smell. That's skunk smell. And it smells like he's curled up at the end of the bed.

By now I'm almost gagging, walking through the halls trying to figure out how this wretched smell has gotten in my house. No windows open, no critters in the front yard that I can see, no critters in the back. Now I'm fully awake and spinning all kinds of horrific scenarios in my head. What if it's trapped in the garage? What if it's in the crawl space? What if there's a whole family living in the crawl space making beds, hanging pictures and planning to stay?

So I laid awake in bed wondering if February would be the month filled with calls to the "Critter Catchers", the carpet cleaners, and would be spent washing and rewashing surfaces to get out the nasty smell. Sometime around 6:00 am I fell back asleep, just in time to be woken up at 6:30 to get ready for work. When I got home, the smell was still in the house but had dissipated quite a bit so maybe my fervent prayers and bargains with God this morning were answered.

Aces. February is off to a grand start. Good thing it's a short month.


Amber said...

Oh no. What is it about this last month, anyway?? It couldn't have sucked more, I think...Mabe I shouldn't say that, if you think this month is trying to out-do it!

I hope things ar ebetter for BOTH of us, my friend.


Jenny said...


I always love reading your blog. Last year I saw two skunks in the wild (I'd only seen dead ones on the side of the road before). If it makes you feel any better, seeing them alive and toddle off into the woods together was just beautiful - gorgeous white stripes down their back. Thankfully they didn't spray me!

Here's to a happy FEB!

Cheryl said...

Hmmm, I've always felt a little wary of February--in past history it has been the month when family members die--no kidding--I can name at least 5!
Okay, now that I'be been a total downer and totally morbid...I'm glad it is a new month too. I'm praying this new little month will be a respite for you and that you'll be filled with hope as you see all those bulb shoots breaking through the ground! I can hardly wait for the first crocus sighting!

Kamsin said...

Wow, a skunk, although maybe not so wow as I actually have no idea how bad they smell! It does seem January has been a tough month for many in the blogosphere. I have high hopes for February though for all of us, but maybe I am just an optomist at heart! Here's praying for a critter and trouble-free month!

Michelle O'Neil said...

Oh no!

Cheryl said...

...can I correct my spelling?

"Now that I've been a total downer...."

Oh, I wish there was spell checker on 'comments'!


Deirdre said...

Oh, that happened to me one time years ago when I lived far out in the country. A skunk let loose in the front yard and, even through closed doors and windows, the smell permeated the house for hours. Of course, my initial blame went to the dogs, who looked like they thought it was me. We were mutually aghast.

Leah Kadwell said...

Well, I personally love February... my birthday month. I strongly believe that everyone should celebrate an entire month of birthday. Although I do admit that as I get older it is not so fun to have birthdays.... but the attitude of celebration should at least be embraced. :) Hooray for February. A sweet month, indeed!