Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Blogiversary to Me!

Happy Birthday to my Blog! It's one year old today! Like my friend Jenny's blog, mine also has a wish list for its birthday.
- a dozen yellow tulips
- some chocolate covered strawberries
- lunch with Oprah
- whirled peas

Well, two out of four ain't bad (thanks to Brad). Thanks to all my good bloggin' buds for making this a year to remember! I love where blogging has taken me and the new friendships I have made. You all inspire me so much to appreciate the blessings and not take myself too seriously. Below is the text of my first post.

I'm not sure why, but I am starting a blog today.

Recently, I stumbled on a group of women artists who share their thoughts, challenges, successes and discouragements on the pages of their journals and blogs. Their words have been rattling around my head for weeks. I find my self checking their blogs daily now to read their latest posts. We lead very different lives, but I have been so encouraged by their transparency and openness to their audience. Though they speak to different subjects, experiences, events and situations, the theme seems to resonate from them; "Find what you love and do what you have to do to do more of it."

Intrigued by this phenomena, I started "grazing" around more blogs. I'm amazed at the wisdom, insight and sometimes bizarre thoughts that are being put out there. Why add my voice to the already crowded sphere of blogging? I guess I feel like in my brief history of blogging, I've already been so encouraged and challenged by others, I feel like I owe something back. I don't make claims of infinite wisdom or knowledge or a charismatic personality that will reach through your screen and shake you by the shoulders to motivate you to reach your full potential, but I might have something to say that might encourage someone along their journey. I hope if I do, you'll let me know. Until then, what's one more voice to "embroider the silence with words." (A favorie line from the book, Three Junes.)


Amber said...

I am so happy you blog, and we have become friends because of it, Kim! You brighten my life.


Kamsin said...

Happy Blogiversary! Blogging really is a blessing, and I'm glad you're a part of it!

Cheryl said...

Happy Anniversary! Wow! A whole year! You have been such an encouragement and so many have been blessed when you share your thoughts and insights! Here's to many more years to come!

Looking forward to rooming with you this weekend at the retreat!

Tammy Brierly said...

Happy Blogiversary! Nice to have met you!

Left-handed Trees... said...

HAPPY Blogiversary! Congratulations on getting back in touch with your "one more voice"...I'm glad to have found it.

Wanda said...

I'm glad you have a blog too. I'm a blogger of one week, and you were my first comment, and encourager. So thanks kim, you do make a difference. And I hope Oprah calls you real soon.
Happy Blogiversary!

Angela Marie said...

Happy Blogiversary to YOU!! Wow, I have only been doing this going on two months. I honestly can not imagine doing it for a year!

"Embroider the silence with words."
I love this! I want to read this book... Thank you for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for helping me to get started, as well. I have enjoyed getting to know you more because of this. Thank you for sharing your life!


Jenny said...

Lunch with Oprah -- oooh, that's a great one!

Happy Blogiversary Embroider the Silence :-)

Deb R said...

HappyHappy Blogiversary, Kim!! I'm so glad we found each other in Bloglandia.

Michelle O'Neil said...

Kim! Happy Anniversary! Sorry I'm late! (We've been knocked down like dominoes with the flu around here).

Glad you are part of the bloggy world. You DO have infinite wisdom, knowledge and a charismatic personality. Don't forget Who's child you are!

Happy Happy!


Roadchick said...
