Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Power of Words

Over the weekend I heard words in more languages than I've ever heard in one place before. Words were spoken in Swahili, Navaho, Spanish, Hebrew, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and more than I can even remember at this late hour. (The photo is of an incredible East African choir that performed Saturday evening.)

There was such power behind those words, even though I couldn't understand all of them, I understood them. I could feel the meaning as much as if I'd heard them in English. All of them were offered with humility and a desire to be understood by the Creator and His children. The words stirred my soul.

Yesterday, I heard the words of a wonderful trio of entrepreneurs with a creative vision for their new business. I was blessed by their kindness and encouraged to have met these good souls and get to know them through the gift of conversation.

Today, I heard the angry words of a pre-teen girl as she slammed the door in my face. I felt the anger and frustration of her realization that she has one foot firmly in adolescence but the other is tapping to the theme music of "Sponge Bob Square Pants" and makes her nearly miss her bus - something not looked upon kindly by her stressed out mother.

Today, I heard the words of a brave woman who overcame such heartache and tragedy in her life. Her words carried the powerful message that life is messy. More than messy. Cruel, hateful, unjust, and sometimes downright hardly worth the effort. But over all the pain, over all the heartache and dysfunction was the truth of hope and love that fills us, covers us and comes along side us in a powerful way.

Today, I heard the encouraging words from women in my small group who shared stories of physical and emotional healing and how God is working in real ways in their lives.

Today, I heard the words of a visionary who believes that the church should be the model for racial cooperation and harmony.

Today, I heard words of appreciation from my co-workers for the work I do.

Today, words of encouragement and hope came to my doorstep in a lovely card and a bouquet of flowers from a dear friend.

Today, I heard words of love and compassion from my husband as he served me simply and with a pure heart by picking up a pizza and helping me with a crafty project that had to be done for a dinner on Thursday.

Tonight, I learned from the news that words on a piece of paper can shut down a college campus.

Tonight, I read encouraging words from a woman who hasn't even met me in person, but believes in the work I do enough to share it with others.

The power of words has been resonating in my mind and heart this week. It overwhelms me when I think of my writing, but it inspires me also. What message of encouragement and hope can I pass along with my words? That's my prayer tonight. Please God, help me be mindful of the power of words and help me use them to build others up and not to tear them down. And for the kind words that have come my way this week - thanks for those packages of peace and love. They are much appreciated.


Kamsin said...

I totally love being in situations where you can hear loads of different languages. I don't care if I can't understand I just love it! Yes, words are powerful amazing things!

Wanda said...

Hear another word, dear one! Inspiration....that's the word, that's what you have given me.

(((hugs)))and (((smiles)))

Kay the Encourager said...

I enjoyed your writing on words...I love the ministry of encouragement, with or without words. I think that is the single most important thing we can do for others. It does involve awareness, insight, communication, understanding, risk, courage, I could go on and on. Who knows what tragedy could next be avoided if we take the time to encourage our fellow sojourners on the oftentimes tough path of life.
Kay G. www.howtoencourage.com

Deirdre said...

Words have such power. It seems a good prayer to ask for mindfulness with our words.

Brad said...


Amber said...

Kim, this is a prayer I will repeat all day with an open heart. Beautiful, and so important.

I wish I could have heard all these other words with you! What a wonderful gift to your spirit and faith.

love to you,

Anonymous said...

Well said.