Monday, March 05, 2007

Maybe it IS true . . .

I always feel weird when people say I'm a writer. It feels like I'm a little girl playing dress up in clothes that are obviously too big and not my style. Like being caught with someone else's I.D. My friend Jenny Rough has me on her blog-roll in alphabetical order right before James Frey. We both have the word "writer" in our title. That always makes me shake my head a bit.

Last night I went to be exhausted. I wore heels for 5 hours while snapping pictures at a church event yesterday and then came home to work on my writing project until my eyes were crossing. With this big, hairy, breathing, drooling deadline for my current project fast approaching, I buried myself under the covers and sought the refuge of dreamland.

At 2:09 am I awoke from a vivid dream. I laid there for a few minutes and thought, "This would make a good story." After a few more minutes, I was wide awake. "No - this will make a great BOOK!!" I got up, went to the computer and wrote an outline with character profiles, major themes and sub-plots for the next hour. Finally, satisfied that I had written enough to make sure that these brilliant thoughts wouldn't be carried off by fairies in the night, I crawled back into bed. I smiled as I planned research that will include trips to a tattoo parlor, research on beauty school, emergency room protocols for stroke victims and getting to know the characters who introduced themselves to me in the wee hours last night. I can't wait to get to work on this project that will be a little less like the "work" of writing and a whole lot more fun!

Maybe it's true, maybe I AM a real writer . . .


Brad said...


You are so real.
You are so totally a writer.

Now go make daddy some money!


Anonymous said...

Wow Kim that is so awesome! I am excited for you. Your hubby cracks me up:)

Leah Kadwell said...

Kim... there was never any doubt from my side :) You only have to read things that people like me write to be sure that you ARE a "real" writer... and that others like me just 'use' writing to get our point across. :) However! I still want to write a book together some day. Let's start soon.

Deirdre said...

Of course you're a writer! It's great you were able to get up and get all that written out. Usually when I wake with an idea I convince myself I'll remember it in the morning, and it's always gone.

Jenny said...

Never any doubt here either!

By the way, when I was making my blogroll I messed up the links and for about a day and a half if you clicked on Embroider the Silence it took you to James Frey's homepage - hee hee!

P.S. Thanks for the prayers last week :-)

Wanda said...

You are a writer. It's a gift, it so shows in every thing you post. I love reading what you share. Blessing and good fortune on all you do! Can't wait to read your "dream" book.

Cheryl said...


You are definitely a writer. There are those that "write", like I do...just spewing thoughts out there...then there are those like you that truly are artists with words, painting a beautiful story that brings others along on a wonderful journey.

It will be exciting to read your book! I'm already intrigued...tatoo parlor, emergency room, beauty school?!

Amber said...

Umm...YeeeAHH. Duh. You ARE a writer.

Your dreamland book idea made me think of something Wayne Dyer said when I went and saw him speak on inspiration. He said he get sout of bed every day at about 3 Am. That is when he just wakes up, an dhis house is silent, and he writes or prays. He says these times when we wake up is when our spirit is speaking to us, because our minds are still...

He has no small children, and can nap later in the day, so.. you know. I don't see me doing this any time soon. LOL


Michelle O'Neil said...

Claim it Kim!

Laini Taylor said...

Kim, your 2 am idea sounds totally intriguing! A tattoo parlor and beauty school and stroke victims? I'm so curious, and so glad to know the muse is out there making her (or his) nighttime visitations! (and that the fairies didn't steal it!!) Hope your other project comes to a smooth completion by deadline. Good luck!

Angela Marie said...

You ARE a writer!

I found your dream and the process all so interesting. I can't wait for more!

Lynda Meyers said...

Dear Kim,
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for your kind words re: my story. I'm always nervous when Christians read my writing, because as you now know, it's a bit...edgy.

Anyway, at the risk of being long winded, a couple of encouragements and then an offer of help. First, I wholeheartedly believe God gives inspiration through dreams, so it is incredibly cool that you woke up and wrote that stuff down.

Second, I have 4 kids and my elderly parents live with me and I have alternately homeschooled and there have been seasons where God has told me to write, and some where he's told me to just be a mom and live life and the writing will come later. So don't be discouraged - the gifts and call of God are irrevocable - it's all about timing. In fact, I'm going to be posting about timing next on my blog.

Lastly, I am an RN with 18 years of Intensive Care experience and most of it Cardiac and Neuro, so if you need any help with your stroke care research, I'd love to give you a hand!

Sorry I took up so much room!!