Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Nifty Giftys and a Two for One Tag

Firstly - thanks to you all for the lovely anniversary wishes. Brad and I had a great time. We actually spent the night in a downtown hotel and had such a relaxing and peaceful time. We bought some filters for the camera and did some Christmas shopping and just enjoyed BEING together. Thanks again for all your kind words - we're looking forward to another 17 years.

And now . . . . looky, looky what was waiting for me when I got home tonight.
This lovely box of goodies came from Deb R. over at Red Shoe Ramblings. See, last week she had a little ole' writing contest and surprise of all surprises, my little entry pulled in the most votes from the very kind and generous audience of RSR. I debated whether to show this gift booty to you because now I KNOW there will be tons more competition the next time she does one of these little contests (which she has promised to do) but it was just too fun to keep to myself. I was really only expecting the awesome quilted postcard right in the middle, but she sent a haul of other fun foofy stuff that was just the icing on the cake! The prompt was to either write a sex scene or write an excuse for not writing a sex scene for your new novel. (Can you guess which one I chose?) The trick was that you had to include the following things: pink fuzzy handcuffs, the DVD of the Happy Days episode where Fonzie jumps the shark, a rubber chicken and a bird named Trixie. (Do you see the post-its in the picture? Deb wrote "Trixie" on them! Too funny!) If you want to read all the great entries in this little contest, click here (don't worry - they are all PG-13 and under).

And more gifties - here's what the teachers are getting from my kiddos this year. I found this heavy duty stone-ware mugs in awsome colors for $1.99 each! I get such a rush from a good bargain like this! We filled them with tea bags and gourmet chocolate bars from New Seasons that had gorgeous pictures of endangered animals on them. Wrapped in celophane and with a bow, I think they look pretty darn sweet. Hope the teachers and helpers enjoy them!

On to the tags. I've been severly delenquint - Bonnie tagged me over two weeks ago and Roadchick tagged me earlier this week. To avoid the potential rep of "Tagger Procrastinator" in the bloggosphere, here goes . . . two tags for the price of one.

First Bonnie's. 10 great things that start with the letter "X". (Bonnie advised me that I get a "mulligan" on this one and can use words that start with "ex" also - phew!)

1. Xmas - Life is crazy busy again but I'm really TRYING to slow down and enjoy some of the pleasures of the season. Had two celebrations yesterday with my lovely ladies that I meet with on Tuesday mornings and it was a delightful day celebrating the special season we're in.
2. Extensions -Not the hair kind that look like something died on your head while you were napping. The grace filled allowances that we are given when we're running behind. I really value these when they are given.
3. Ex-boyfriends - I know, you're thinking, "Is she nuts?" Most people don't always have great relationships with their exes - mine married one of my best friends. Twenty years after he first took me out on a date, we consider this couple some of our dearest friends. We love the fact that our middle school daughters are fascinated and grossed-out by the fact that we used to be a couple.
4. Extinguisher - My nickname at work. I like to put out fires for others when I can. A twisted super-hero complex rooted in low self-esteem issues, I'm sure!
5. Excitement - I'm sitting here typing and watching the finale of "The Biggest Loser". The winner lost over 200 lbs. He's one excited dude! It's contagious to see someone so happy for doing something so positive.
6. Explanations - The natural learner in me wants to know the hows and whys of the world. I used to love to just leaf through the encyclopedia sets when I was a kid and start reading about new places, concepts and ideas.
7. Xylaphone - heard some players at the Saturday market a few weeks ago. I love the instrument on its own.
8. X-rays - these miracle machines help people get better from their big time owies.
9. X-Files - one of my favorite all time TV shows. I like a bit of the dark and twisty, especially when it comes with a handsome FBI agent named Fox Mulder.
10. Exhortations - who doesn't love a well crafted compliment. Especially when it comes in written form. (You are all so intellegent and you look thin in that outfit!)

Five bad things that start with X or "ex":

1. Expectations – when these are out of whack they can lead to disappointment and even some nasty, draged out arguments.

2. Explosions - never a good thing.

3. Examinations - the annual kind and the school kind

4. In American Slang, "X" can stand for the drug "ecstasy" - nasty business.

5. X-rated films - Saw one as teenager and have wished so many times I could turn back time and NOT see what was on the screen that night. Really not something I EVER would wish to see again.

Phew! Now, on to Roadchick's tag. Six strange and weird things about me.

1. I am deathly afraid of mice and rats. The other night at the hotel, I heard a strange noise and convinced myself that there was a critter in the room. I hardly slept at all. I KNOW there was nothing there (it was a really nice hotel - not the furry critter kind) but I whipped myself into a frenzy about it. Last winter we had a little furry visitor that would leave tiny brown messages under the sink thanking us for the garbage buffet being left for him every night. I litterally shuddered every five minutes until that furry critter was caught and disposed of by my big, strong, manly, mouse-killer of a husband.
2. I turn pink when I drink. (Thanks to my friend Wendy for that little rhyme.) My cheeks flush like an alcoholic lush after just one glass of wine. Blame it on my little English Grandpa who does the same after a pint at the pub. I could never be a closet drinker - everyone knows when I've opened a new bottle of chardonay.
3. I hoard office supplies. I don't steal them, but I like to save them for special occassions. I bought a Costco pack of post-it notes and I still use them very cautiosly and with great reservation. Likewise, I'll buy cool stationery and other office stuff and it never gets used.
4. I do the same thing with candles. And bags. And purses. I really need to live a little, don't ya think? That or clean my closets, one or the other.
5. I'd really rather do just about anything other than cook. I really don't like it. The only pleasure I get out of it is when I don't ruin a dish and waste the ingredients. I love to watch cooking shows, read cooking magazines, and even entertain, but just not cook. Good thing I married a mamma's boy who hung out in the kitchen growing up.
6. I'd rather speak publically in front of hundreds of people than dance in front of a dozen. I feel like Eileen in the old Seinfeld episode with my body twisting and turning in spasms and contortions that make others cringe in horor. (OK - I'm probably not that bad, but that's the picture I see in my mind if I think of joining the sexy coordinated folks on the dance floor.) It's safer for all involved if I watch from the sidelines most of the time. I'm a sucker for a good slow dance with my sweetie though, but what girl isn't?

OK - that's it for now troops! Thanks for hanging in there with me and if you want to try your hand at these lists, consider yourself tagged.


Deb R said...

Yay, glad it arrived safely! I put delivery confirmation on it and then kept forgetting to check it. (D'oh!) Glad you like! :-)

Amber said...

Okay, I just wrote a stinki' comment about as long as your post! STUPID BLOGGER!!!!!

I just can't say it all again. But you cracked me up. ;)


Kim G. said...

Am - What is up with the Blogger gremlins?? I keep reading that people are having problems - grrr! Are they all on vacation?

Bummer about your comment - I would have loved to read it! :)

Deb - I so loved the goody box! Yay!

Michael Thomas said...

X-Files was the Greatest. I was an X-Files Culty for a long time. Darn Fox Mulder for bailing on the show!

Jenny said...

What a funny contest -- I'm going to have to check out what you and others wrote.