Friday, December 15, 2006

Blogger Tip for the Day

I've seen lots of comments lately on blogs and in comments with quite a bit of agitation and even fury worked into them about losing comments into thin air. I hate to see anyone frustrated and in the wild chance this might be the issue, I wanted to share a little tip I learned when I switched to to blogger beta that has helped.

If you accidentaly type a comment on a post BEFORE you have signed in, select all the text in your comment and do a quick "control + C" to copy the text. Sign in to beta blogger and you'll be back at the blog's comment page but your lovely message to the author will be gone. Just do a quick "control + V" to paste back in your words of wisdom or witty come-back and, voila, your clever comment should be right back where it's supposed to be.

I had to learn this the hard way the first few times I tried to comment using beta. For some reason, the beta blogger won't let you sign in on the fly like the old version.

Hope this helps someone out there. It's the holidays for cryin' out loud - we can't walk around cursing blogger under our breath and still be jolly now, can we?



Amber said...

Look what a helpful little elf you are. ;)


Michelle O'Neil said...

Bless you, Kim!

Darlene said...

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

What a big help you are :D

xox darlene

Tammy Brierly said...

They won't let me switch yet :( I read your winning entry and you did a fantastic job! The prize was terrific too. Go Kim!

Deirdre said...

Thank you for this. It's probably me you've heard swearing - I've got a full and rich vocabulary and have focused it surely on blogger.