I've lost the buttons on my new post page so I can't post the pictures I was going to post today.
I've made a heartfelt plea to the Blogger support folks but they're probably out for the holiday so a decent post with pictures probably won't come until next week.
I'm in a state of procrastination right now. (How's that for a Sunday Scribbling "Destination"? Drat - I can't even link you to the site here without my buttons! See the location on the sidebar if you'd like to read this weeks Scribblers!) We'll have a houseful tonight as we are celebrating a belated Christmas with Brad's side of the family. We're all looking forward to being together as it's been a few years since we've all been in one place.
Sorry I've nothing profound to write at the moment. Actually, I have lots of thoughts on resolutions, goals, reflection, book lists . . . all that good stuff, but there are toilets that need scrubbing, beds that need changing, floors that need vacuumming and appetizers that need making. One of my resolutions - give you all something worth reading on this blog in the new year. I think I've slipped into some lazy patterns of giving you too much fluff and not enough substance. I'd like to change that and write about some more thoughtful things in the new year.
To all of you and yours, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Blessings of peace and good health and calorie free indulgences be yours!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
The Mysteries of Christmas

Why does it take hours to do all the wrapping, but only minutes to open a huge pile of gifts?
How come we eat Christmas cookies every day, but they seem to multiply like bunnies during the night and there are still MORE Christmas cookies to be eaten the next day?
Why does the blouse that made me look so trim in the fitting room at Macy's make me look like an elephant hiding under a tent in our family Christmas picture?
Why do I get sick of Christmas songs on the radio about the 20th of December but miss them on the 26th?
Why does sleeping in the rest of the year mean about 8:00 am but during the Christmas holidays, mean more like 9:30 ish?
Why is it so much cheaper to buy the same thing on the 26th of December that you would have paid full price for on the 24th? Why don't retailers give us an incentive to clear their shelves before Christmas?
Gifty Updates: My mom came through with the serious bookage - 5 new ones! Two on digital photography, The Artist's Way (so now I can finish it - my library renewals ran out before I could finish it last time), "Plan B . . . " by Anne Lamott and a really cool little anthology of the best places in Portland for book lovers. Both sets of parents gave us generous checks to do some household shopping. We got a new waffle iron, a clothes iron, skillet, can opener (the magnetic kind that keeps the lid from falling in) and money for blinds for our great room. Woohoo for the parents and their very practical and welcome gifts of cash!
Today, my daughter and I went down to NW 23rd and the fun shops down there and bought some fun new ornaments and Christmas decorations. This was the first time I've bought new Christmas stuff in about five years. Usually I make due with what I get as gifts or what my mom gives me as hand-me-downs. It was fun to pick out things that I really liked.
Prayer Request: My bloggie friend Darlene has been struggling through the last week caring for her 24 year-old son who was in a serious car accident last week. His injuries were very serious and things are still a bit touch and go. Visit Darlene's blog here to read her updates and please pray for strength and wisdom for Darlene and her family.
Blessings to you all!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas Everyone!

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on Davids' throne and over his kingdom establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this. Isaiah 9:6-7
I hope you all have a wonderful day with your family and friends and that the richest blessings of peace, joy and gratitude fill your day and carry on into the new year.
All the best to you my friends!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
A Christmas Meme

Wrapping paper or gift bags? If I'm opening, wrapping paper - if I'm wrapping, gift bags! (Lazy girl!)
Real tree or artificial? Real, although I feel the pressure to move to the dark side.
Eggnog, hot chocolate or apple cider? When I was about 7 years old I was sledding with the neighbor kids behind my friend Colleen's house. Her mom made a big pot of hot chocolate for all the kids. Guess who drank too much and went home and promptly threw up gallons of hot chocolate? Yup - that'd be me! Can't drink it to this day. I've honestly never tried eggnog - I just can't get past the yuck factor of the name. So, I guess it's apple cider although my new favorite tea flavor is white tea with lemon from Stash. That sounds even better.
Favorite gift as a child? A few: a bike when I was about 9, a hand crocheted blanket from my mom when I was about 12, my own phone when I was about 14.
Nativity Scene? Not a nice one. One that looks like it's made from Femo Clay that I bought at a craft store when the kids were little. This year for a table centerpiece for my Bible Study, I bought a Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus from the Dollar store and they're not terribly ugly - just very "white" looking. Someday, I'd love to have a nice set that doesn't look "canned" or like the traditional nativity scene but looks authentic, with dark skninned, dark haired figures. Last year I almost bought a beautiful metal sculptured nativity scene at Bombay Company but even at half price it was about $90. Ouch!
Hardest person to buy for? My mom. She buys everything for herself as soon as she thinks she needs it.
Easiest person? This year, my daughter. She just got her ears pierced so earrings are a safe bet.
Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail - but email sounds easier!
Worst gift received? Can't really think of one. Maybe an article of clothing that just wasn't my style.
Favorite Christmas movie? Miracle on 34th Street, the new one and The Polar Express.
When do you start shopping for Christmas? Maybe here and there through the summer but mostly after December 1st.
Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Maybe something generic like candles or something like that.
Favorite thing to eat? Chocolate crinkle cookies, thumbprint cookies and cranberry sauce. Can you tell I have a sweet tooth?
Clear or colored lights? Clear - non blinking.
Outside lights? Yes - but just a row along the gutter line of the house. Nothing like Chevy Chase . . .
Favorite Christmas Song? Oh Come let Us Adore Him, O Little Town of Bethlehem
Travel or stay home? My preference - stay home, but we've traveled a few times. Since we built the addition on our house, we have the best setup for entertaining so we have hosted for the last few years.
Angel on top of tree or star? Star - no question. That's what I grew up with. I'm flexible on most things, but I won't budge on this one.
Open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Growing up it was one on Christmas eve (PJ's) and the rest on Christmas morning. Now it just depends who we're celebrating with and when.
Favorite ornament theme or color? Nothing in particular. My mom buys us a Hallmark ornament each year so I've got a lot of those on my tree.
Favorite Christmas Dinner? One that I don't have to cook . . .
What do you want for Christmas this year? Books, more books, and a few candles to light to make my house smell pretty. Peace and joy and good health for my friends and loved ones!
Tag, you're it! If you haven't already done this one!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Blogger Tip for the Day

If you accidentaly type a comment on a post BEFORE you have signed in, select all the text in your comment and do a quick "control + C" to copy the text. Sign in to beta blogger and you'll be back at the blog's comment page but your lovely message to the author will be gone. Just do a quick "control + V" to paste back in your words of wisdom or witty come-back and, voila, your clever comment should be right back where it's supposed to be.
I had to learn this the hard way the first few times I tried to comment using beta. For some reason, the beta blogger won't let you sign in on the fly like the old version.
Hope this helps someone out there. It's the holidays for cryin' out loud - we can't walk around cursing blogger under our breath and still be jolly now, can we?
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Nifty Giftys and a Two for One Tag
Firstly - thanks to you all for the lovely anniversary wishes. Brad and I had a great time. We actually spent the night in a downtown hotel and had such a relaxing and peaceful time. We bought some filters for the camera and did some Christmas shopping and just enjoyed BEING together. Thanks again for all your kind words - we're looking forward to another 17 years.
And now . . . . looky, looky what was waiting for me when I got home tonight.
This lovely box of goodies came from Deb R. over at Red Shoe Ramblings. See, last week she had a little ole' writing contest and surprise of all surprises, my little entry pulled in the most votes from the very kind and generous audience of RSR. I debated whether to show this gift booty to you because now I KNOW there will be tons more competition the next time she does one of these little contests (which she has promised to do) but it was just too fun to keep to myself. I was really only expecting the awesome quilted postcard right in the middle, but she sent a haul of other fun foofy stuff that was just the icing on the cake! The prompt was to either write a sex scene or write an excuse for not writing a sex scene for your new novel. (Can you guess which one I chose?) The trick was that you had to include the following things: pink fuzzy handcuffs, the DVD of the Happy Days episode where Fonzie jumps the shark, a rubber chicken and a bird named Trixie. (Do you see the post-its in the picture? Deb wrote "Trixie" on them! Too funny!) If you want to read all the great entries in this little contest, click here (don't worry - they are all PG-13 and under).
And more gifties - here's what the teachers are getting from my kiddos this year. I found this heavy duty stone-ware mugs in awsome colors for $1.99 each! I get such a rush from a good bargain like this! We filled them with tea bags and gourmet chocolate bars from New Seasons that had gorgeous pictures of endangered animals on them. Wrapped in celophane and with a bow, I think they look pretty darn sweet. Hope the teachers and helpers enjoy them!
On to the tags. I've been severly delenquint - Bonnie tagged me over two weeks ago and Roadchick tagged me earlier this week. To avoid the potential rep of "Tagger Procrastinator" in the bloggosphere, here goes . . . two tags for the price of one.
First Bonnie's. 10 great things that start with the letter "X". (Bonnie advised me that I get a "mulligan" on this one and can use words that start with "ex" also - phew!)
1. Xmas - Life is crazy busy again but I'm really TRYING to slow down and enjoy some of the pleasures of the season. Had two celebrations yesterday with my lovely ladies that I meet with on Tuesday mornings and it was a delightful day celebrating the special season we're in.
2. Extensions -Not the hair kind that look like something died on your head while you were napping. The grace filled allowances that we are given when we're running behind. I really value these when they are given.
3. Ex-boyfriends - I know, you're thinking, "Is she nuts?" Most people don't always have great relationships with their exes - mine married one of my best friends. Twenty years after he first took me out on a date, we consider this couple some of our dearest friends. We love the fact that our middle school daughters are fascinated and grossed-out by the fact that we used to be a couple.
4. Extinguisher - My nickname at work. I like to put out fires for others when I can. A twisted super-hero complex rooted in low self-esteem issues, I'm sure!
5. Excitement - I'm sitting here typing and watching the finale of "The Biggest Loser". The winner lost over 200 lbs. He's one excited dude! It's contagious to see someone so happy for doing something so positive.
6. Explanations - The natural learner in me wants to know the hows and whys of the world. I used to love to just leaf through the encyclopedia sets when I was a kid and start reading about new places, concepts and ideas.
7. Xylaphone - heard some players at the Saturday market a few weeks ago. I love the instrument on its own.
8. X-rays - these miracle machines help people get better from their big time owies.
9. X-Files - one of my favorite all time TV shows. I like a bit of the dark and twisty, especially when it comes with a handsome FBI agent named Fox Mulder.
10. Exhortations - who doesn't love a well crafted compliment. Especially when it comes in written form. (You are all so intellegent and you look thin in that outfit!)
1. I am deathly afraid of mice and rats. The other night at the hotel, I heard a strange noise and convinced myself that there was a critter in the room. I hardly slept at all. I KNOW there was nothing there (it was a really nice hotel - not the furry critter kind) but I whipped myself into a frenzy about it. Last winter we had a little furry visitor that would leave tiny brown messages under the sink thanking us for the garbage buffet being left for him every night. I litterally shuddered every five minutes until that furry critter was caught and disposed of by my big, strong, manly, mouse-killer of a husband.
2. I turn pink when I drink. (Thanks to my friend Wendy for that little rhyme.) My cheeks flush like an alcoholic lush after just one glass of wine. Blame it on my little English Grandpa who does the same after a pint at the pub. I could never be a closet drinker - everyone knows when I've opened a new bottle of chardonay.
3. I hoard office supplies. I don't steal them, but I like to save them for special occassions. I bought a Costco pack of post-it notes and I still use them very cautiosly and with great reservation. Likewise, I'll buy cool stationery and other office stuff and it never gets used.
4. I do the same thing with candles. And bags. And purses. I really need to live a little, don't ya think? That or clean my closets, one or the other.
5. I'd really rather do just about anything other than cook. I really don't like it. The only pleasure I get out of it is when I don't ruin a dish and waste the ingredients. I love to watch cooking shows, read cooking magazines, and even entertain, but just not cook. Good thing I married a mamma's boy who hung out in the kitchen growing up.
6. I'd rather speak publically in front of hundreds of people than dance in front of a dozen. I feel like Eileen in the old Seinfeld episode with my body twisting and turning in spasms and contortions that make others cringe in horor. (OK - I'm probably not that bad, but that's the picture I see in my mind if I think of joining the sexy coordinated folks on the dance floor.) It's safer for all involved if I watch from the sidelines most of the time. I'm a sucker for a good slow dance with my sweetie though, but what girl isn't?
OK - that's it for now troops! Thanks for hanging in there with me and if you want to try your hand at these lists, consider yourself tagged.
And now . . . . looky, looky what was waiting for me when I got home tonight.

And more gifties - here's what the teachers are getting from my kiddos this year. I found this heavy duty stone-ware mugs in awsome colors for $1.99 each! I get such a rush from a good bargain like this! We filled them with tea bags and gourmet chocolate bars from New Seasons that had gorgeous pictures of endangered animals on them. Wrapped in celophane and with a bow, I think they look pretty darn sweet. Hope the teachers and helpers enjoy them!

On to the tags. I've been severly delenquint - Bonnie tagged me over two weeks ago and Roadchick tagged me earlier this week. To avoid the potential rep of "Tagger Procrastinator" in the bloggosphere, here goes . . . two tags for the price of one.
First Bonnie's. 10 great things that start with the letter "X". (Bonnie advised me that I get a "mulligan" on this one and can use words that start with "ex" also - phew!)
1. Xmas - Life is crazy busy again but I'm really TRYING to slow down and enjoy some of the pleasures of the season. Had two celebrations yesterday with my lovely ladies that I meet with on Tuesday mornings and it was a delightful day celebrating the special season we're in.
2. Extensions -Not the hair kind that look like something died on your head while you were napping. The grace filled allowances that we are given when we're running behind. I really value these when they are given.
3. Ex-boyfriends - I know, you're thinking, "Is she nuts?" Most people don't always have great relationships with their exes - mine married one of my best friends. Twenty years after he first took me out on a date, we consider this couple some of our dearest friends. We love the fact that our middle school daughters are fascinated and grossed-out by the fact that we used to be a couple.
4. Extinguisher - My nickname at work. I like to put out fires for others when I can. A twisted super-hero complex rooted in low self-esteem issues, I'm sure!
5. Excitement - I'm sitting here typing and watching the finale of "The Biggest Loser". The winner lost over 200 lbs. He's one excited dude! It's contagious to see someone so happy for doing something so positive.
6. Explanations - The natural learner in me wants to know the hows and whys of the world. I used to love to just leaf through the encyclopedia sets when I was a kid and start reading about new places, concepts and ideas.
7. Xylaphone - heard some players at the Saturday market a few weeks ago. I love the instrument on its own.
8. X-rays - these miracle machines help people get better from their big time owies.
9. X-Files - one of my favorite all time TV shows. I like a bit of the dark and twisty, especially when it comes with a handsome FBI agent named Fox Mulder.
10. Exhortations - who doesn't love a well crafted compliment. Especially when it comes in written form. (You are all so intellegent and you look thin in that outfit!)
Five bad things that start with X or "ex":
1. Expectations – when these are out of whack they can lead to disappointment and even some nasty, draged out arguments.
2. Explosions - never a good thing.
3. Examinations - the annual kind and the school kind
4. In American Slang, "X" can stand for the drug "ecstasy" - nasty business.
5. X-rated films - Saw one as teenager and have wished so many times I could turn back time and NOT see what was on the screen that night. Really not something I EVER would wish to see again.
Phew! Now, on to Roadchick's tag. Six strange and weird things about me.1. I am deathly afraid of mice and rats. The other night at the hotel, I heard a strange noise and convinced myself that there was a critter in the room. I hardly slept at all. I KNOW there was nothing there (it was a really nice hotel - not the furry critter kind) but I whipped myself into a frenzy about it. Last winter we had a little furry visitor that would leave tiny brown messages under the sink thanking us for the garbage buffet being left for him every night. I litterally shuddered every five minutes until that furry critter was caught and disposed of by my big, strong, manly, mouse-killer of a husband.
2. I turn pink when I drink. (Thanks to my friend Wendy for that little rhyme.) My cheeks flush like an alcoholic lush after just one glass of wine. Blame it on my little English Grandpa who does the same after a pint at the pub. I could never be a closet drinker - everyone knows when I've opened a new bottle of chardonay.
3. I hoard office supplies. I don't steal them, but I like to save them for special occassions. I bought a Costco pack of post-it notes and I still use them very cautiosly and with great reservation. Likewise, I'll buy cool stationery and other office stuff and it never gets used.
4. I do the same thing with candles. And bags. And purses. I really need to live a little, don't ya think? That or clean my closets, one or the other.
5. I'd really rather do just about anything other than cook. I really don't like it. The only pleasure I get out of it is when I don't ruin a dish and waste the ingredients. I love to watch cooking shows, read cooking magazines, and even entertain, but just not cook. Good thing I married a mamma's boy who hung out in the kitchen growing up.
6. I'd rather speak publically in front of hundreds of people than dance in front of a dozen. I feel like Eileen in the old Seinfeld episode with my body twisting and turning in spasms and contortions that make others cringe in horor. (OK - I'm probably not that bad, but that's the picture I see in my mind if I think of joining the sexy coordinated folks on the dance floor.) It's safer for all involved if I watch from the sidelines most of the time. I'm a sucker for a good slow dance with my sweetie though, but what girl isn't?
OK - that's it for now troops! Thanks for hanging in there with me and if you want to try your hand at these lists, consider yourself tagged.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
A Special Day

Seventeen years ago I had a very different December day. The morning was crisp and cold but the sun was shining. Not a raindrop in sight. It was a day filled with people - about 300! No being alone on that day. It was the day my life changed in dramatic and wonderful ways - the day I married my true love and started a chapter in my life that continues to keep me amazed at the blessings that have been dropped into my life. I still remember the way Brad made me giggle when he whispered a funny joke to me while we were lighting our unity candle. I'll never forget how handsome he looked in is slate gray tuxedo with tails. His smile, his embrace, the kiss. One of the best days of my life.
Happy Anniversary Sweetie! I love you!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Sad news . . .
Today we heard the sad news that James did not make it. He gave his life for the safety of his family. Frankly, I'm overwhelmed with the sadness of it all and I've done a bit of whining to God today over this sad development.
"God - seriously? You would take this man, really? Right before Christmas? And knowing that his wife and daughters survived? Seriously, God?"
I shake my head, wipe the tears away and marvel at such love. The love of a father for his family. A love that would do anything to save them. The same kind of love that God has for his children. A love that can't be bound by the limits of our understanding of this fragile existence in a broken and tragic world. A love that says, I have a plan and I will care for my children. I pour the truth of that promise on a broken heart today as I try to lift up prayers for a mom who faces challenges she hoped she'd never have to face in a lifetime and for her precious children, that they will know the love that their father held for them and that it will sustain them through their lives.
If you'd like to leave a message of condolence for the Kim family, you can send them an email at a link found here. They had to close the online guestbook because it had so many entries. I slipped mine in right before it closed and there were already over 5,000 messages. I hope that these carry some comfort for the family. Please keep them in your thoughts and give your own loved ones an extra hug tonight in honor of James and his family.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Falling of the edge of the earth . . .

Deb - I haven't written off the challenge that's due tomorrow (ha! pun not intended but pretty darn funny, dontcha think?) but the pink fuzzy handcuffs have me thrown for a loop. (I thought they were pink fuzzy slippers and had that all crafted into the story and the handcuffs just won't work in the version I had written in my head! Back to the drawing board!)
Bonnie - I haven't forgotten about the "X" word challenge and I promise to get to it this week. Well, I'll try to get to it this week. Don't hate me if it's maybe next week . . .
Laini & Megg - I loved the prompt this week for Sunday Scribbling. It set off all kinds of fiction ideas in my head. I'm going to try really hard to get one posted by Tuesday. I can't wait to get some time to read what other Scribblers have written.
And all my other friends, I've been reading your words even though I haven't been leaving as many comments. This was just a really odd week and I'm looking forward to getting back into the blogging grove next week. Gah! Look what happens when you fall behind, people! No more blogging breaks for you miss "embroider the silence"- back to work!
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