Well, I’m still living in Crazytown this week, but after the whiny tone of my last post about the G-homestead, I thought I’d try something different. I’ll take a page from Ms. Oprah and other wise souls and make my very own gratitude blog post.
Today I am grateful for:
One of my major writing and design projects for my job is done and in the mail. I have been blessed by some very nice complements from my co-workers on the piece and even though I see the parts that I’m not happy with and the places where I thought I could have done better, I’m trying to be truly thankful for their kind words and accept their kind words gracefully. It’s hard, my nature is to not believe people when they tell me they like what I’ve done. I don’t know why I’m so jaded – I think it’s the inner critic in me that says, “They’re just saying that because they feel sorry for you.” Or, “They’re just saying that because they don’t want you to feel bad.” Which, when I start walking down that path, does nothing but make me feel bad. Gah – I think I’m going to name my inner critic the White Witch, like the one from “The Chronicles of Narnia” and picture myself as Susan piercing her evil heart with an arrow shot from my magical bow. (OK – I know Peter kills her in the book and the movie, but I’m SO Susan in all my doubts and fears – so I’m going to be the one who shoots her when she starts criticizing me with her ice cold silvery daggers of doubts. My critic, my revenge.) Anyway – I’m thankful for all I learned doing the project and that it turned out presentable.
Mark – the bulk mail guy at the post office who patiently answered all my questions and then praised me for a job well done when my totals all matched up on our 1500 piece mailing. The guy is just a gem!
My darling husband. He’s fighting a nasty infection that has lodged itself in his foot and is making it almost impossible for him to walk. The poor guy feels horrible (physically) and keeps apologizing to me. I have a keeper here folks. Please pray that this will heal quickly as he’s really miserable.
My little lady. She had her first Middle School dance tonight. I can’t believe I just typed those words. I remember dancing with her in the living room to The Little Mermaid when she was about 2 and a half! Thankfully, when I picked her up today, there were no tears or frustrations about boys not asking her to dance, only a peeved young lady that one of the teachers broke up a perfectly good Conga line because there was too much “touching” going on somewhere in the line. (Thanks Mr. C.) We've had some great discussions lately about the issues that go along with growing up and I'm so grateful for her obedient heart and teachable spirit. Don't know how long this will last before the real rebellion kicks in but I'm grateful for this for now.
The boy. The young man is so creative and expressive and bright as the sun is hot. But sitting down and doing worksheets – definitely not his idea of a good time. The little guy has been stepping up the efforts on the homework though and has had a great attitude about it this week.
The schedule is easing up. I have actually been able to be home a few nights this week. Hooray! I cleaned a particularly nasty cupboard of arts and crafts supplies last night and started weeding through our books to get rid of some that just don’t make the cut for ones I want to read again, ones I might pass on to someone, or, ones that were so profound that they will never leave the walls of this house without me. It feels good to be in my nest. Speaking of nest . . .
Keeko the wonderbird. She is settling in and the loud fits of chirping and singing only seem to be happening about 2-3 times a day. The rest of the time, she seems quite content. Brad has been great about this little feathered one as he was not really crazy about the idea of expanding our family. I think if Keeko keeps on her good behavior, she’s secured her immunity for the time being.
Good TV – Studio 60, Gray’s Anatomy, The Office. Yay for new stories, great writing and the gift of laughter.
You! My blogging friends (and even the lurkers who aren't leeaving comments - you know who you are *wink*)! You all have been so encouraging in your comments and kind words. They are like a cool shower of blessings during the dry times when all there seems to be is duty and obligation. Thanks Michelle for the nice compliment on my flower pictures - I've actually thought about making some into cards. When I get a chance to work on them, I'll email you and find out where to send some!
Thanks for stopping by everyone! Please leave me a note in my comments of some of the things you are thankful for today. If you can't think of anything, let me know that too, and then I'll lift up prayers for you this week. I'd like to do that for you as I know that others have done that for me during the dry times in my life. Thanks again! Really . . . thanks!
The 'chick is thankful it's Friday and she will have Saturday off before working again on Sunday. She's thankful that Redneck cooked dinner for her last night and refused to let her help with the dishes. And the 'chick is thankful for her blog friends and that they let her into their lives through their writing. It's humbling...and makes the 'chick stop whining so much.
Thanks for making the 'chick take a gratitude break because she was definitely needing the attitude adjustment!
I am thankful for you, and your honesty with me, and for your keen eye. ;)
Also, you are a great writer. I would never have made you a daily read, if you sucked! LOL! How much time do you think I have on my hands? So I LOVE your idea of naming that voice the White Witch. Perfect.
Appreciated your thankful list, Kim! I am thankful my husband is home after being gone for 3 weeks. I am thankful for my new kitchenaid mixer! I am thankful that my children are sleeping peacefully on the new Cars and Dora bedsheets my mom sent for them. I am thankful that the weather here has been rainy and mild lately...
beautiful photo - sigh! I am grateful for blossoms!!
Hi Kim! That's a lot to be grateful for! I hope Brad's foot heals, that does not sound like fun. Jim has had a weird infection in his elbow (a bursal sac, of all things!) and with the various little aches and pains and things, we are very aware we are getting OLDER! eeek! Congrats on getting that job finished! And, The Office? Was that season premier the most painful and hilarious thing ever? Studio 60 is very promising, too!
I think the gratitude thing really does work to change our mood. Also...the praying thing works too. I've done it on planes, trains, etc. when I've been anxious. Row by row, pray for each little head I see in front of me, and it changes my whole attitude. I feel so much more peaceful and calm.
Thanks for the reminder and the peek into your life!
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