Dear friends,
Yes, I am still alive. No need to contact the FBI, CSI or that cutie-pie on the new show "Kidnapped". I am in that special pergatory, h - e - double toothpics part of being a parent called "September". This past week had three back to school nights, five soccer practices, a heavy workload and the start back to my responsibilities as a small group leader for our weekly women's meeting at church. All that plus gobs of laundry, errands, feeding the rugrats, keeping them on track with their homework and shuffling through the mounds of paperwork sent home in backpacks has kept me out of the bloggosphere.
And I miss you all! I feel like I'm spiritually and creatively dragging for lack of my "fixes" from your incredible blogs. Please know that I'm hoping that this weekend I'll have a chance to catch up on your entries and hopefully put something thoughtful and insightful on this little 'ole blog.
But, because it's still September, don't anyone hold their breath too long.
Thank you for your words today. I wrote back.
this is a beautiful picture! i hope you find some rest and peace this weekend.
How funny -- I was just wondering what you were up to and came over to check your blog.
Good luck with all the chaos. We miss ya out here in the blogosphere!
Good to know you're alive! Yeah, September is a bit of a rude awakening--everything starts all at once! You have a lot more going on than I do...and I'm a bit weary of the month! Glad October is coming...for whatever reason!
I'll be thinking of you friend!
Things seem to get a bit quiet all over Blogland around this time of year. Glad you're ok and I hope things quiet down for you soon.
I always, naively perhaps, thought that when they went back to school you had MORE time. I have a lot to learn! I hope the kids have good teachers this year & good luck with the paperwork. And I love the double-toothpic thing. Very cute!
Well, my goodness honey, I don't have any of that stuff going on and I'm still swamped. I hope things ease a bit when the kids get settled into school and the weather changes. Isn't it amazing how quickly reading blogs becomes part of the day, how it feeds us in ways we never expected?
hey miss kim,
i hope you have a moment or two to yourself in the midst of it all...
keep breathing...
Hang in there Kim!
Great picture! You should make your photos into greeting cards. I would buy a box!
Hey Kim! Sounds like you've got a cape and a superhero bag hidden somewhere in your house too! ;) Whew! You're one busy girl! And I thought I had a lot going on! I've got nothing on you! ;)
Thanks so much for your post over on my blog and your kind words about my art glass beads. When your schedule slows down, we should get together and I can show you some in person.
Blogging has been quite an adventure for me too. I've discovered things about myself that I maybe would have never discovered otherwise...some good some bad...but I have grown so much in the past few months. One of the biggest things that has come from it is becoming more accepting of myself...both my strengths and weaknesses. God has truly used others blogs as a tool in my life...only problem is that now I'm totally addicted to reading so many blogs that I can't ever keep up with them all! LOL!
Unfortunately I'm not able to share any of these things I've learned publicly on my blog because there's someone in my life that reads it and I choose not to share these things with them...because I know at some point in the future that the person would find some way to twist these things and use them against me. It saddens me a bit that I cannot be as open as I've seen others be on their blogs...people only get a small part of me, not all of me. It keeps me from being able to help others the way the blogs I read have helped me.
Hope the h - e - double toothpicks of September doesn't run over into October. :)
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