Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Hello friends! Thanks for stopping by. There was a momentary panic last night when I tried to open my blog and all that showed up was code on a white screen. I switched to the Blogger beta thinking that might save me and - voila - it was back online. But I think something was screwy with my blog this weekend, so thanks for hanging in there with me.

It was a good weekend. I did get away, leaving the house at about 8:30 am Saturday and returning at about 5:30 pm Sunday. The time away was good. Good like a peaceful, cozy, warm fuzzy robe kind of good. The time was spent in quiet, freedom, peace, reflection, writing, thinking and relaxing. I started my morning downtown at one of my favorite places in Portland, the Saturday Market. It's a place my dad used to take me as a kid and I love the noise, the smells, the food, the sights of this magical place. It was a wonderful way to be inspired creatively for the weekend. I was able to share a lunch table with a delightful young gal who just moved to Portland from Michigan. She was one of the street musicians who gave the shoppers a lovely soundtrack to the morning. Visit her myspace site at to hear her and find out about her local gigs.

Then I had a great opportunity to chat with the husband of this incredibly talented photographer. I'm so excited to be on her email newsletter list and hopefully glean some new skills and techniques as I get more familiar with our camera. I bought this print in a card and just love it!

I walked uptown and spent some time browsing and shopping in Macy's (ack - I miss Meier & Frank) and Nordstroms. Came away with some bargains on Kenneth Cole & Liz Claiborne jewelry and it was bonus time at the Clinique counter. Unlike most times when I'm buying my basic Clinique supplies to get the freebies, I actually got a friendly and very helpful sales person. Usually, they turn their nose up at me when I buy the minimum amount, but this gal was a sweetie and I actually handed over my money with a smile because she had treated me so well.

The weather last week was a bit dicey here in the northwest, and another storm was due to come in on Sunday so I decided not to go too far from home for my night away. I stayed at this lovely little hotel in Lake Oswego and had a terrace off my room where I sat in the crisp sunshine of the afternoon and watched the sun drift to the water's edge in the late afternoon. (This is my self portrait on the deck of my room.) The hotel was older and the floors and ceilings carried a lot of noise, but it was exceptionally clean and the staff was very friendly and the view was lovely.

Within walking distance was a village of high-end boutique stores (fun to window shop), a Peet's Coffee Shop (good for a couple of hours of study) and some cool restuarants for dinner choices. Had a yummy tomato basil soup and salad for dinner with calamari appetizer and a glass of white wine. Read my book and just relished the time where the only words needed were "thanks" each time they brought food or filled my water glass.

In the morning I went for a long walk, worked for a few hours and then got myself cleaned up before checking out at noon. Had to attend a memorial service at 2:00 pm for a family friend so killed a little bit of time by driving to Tualatin's Bridgeport Village. Had my first trip to a Whole Foods Market and what an experience. Talk about sensory overload! So many choices for a quick bite to eat - about 4 different counters that you could order different kinds of food from. And the groceries - wow! So many choices and healthy options. And if that wasn't enough, back in the bakery was live music. I browsed incredibly ornate pastries with the Beatles' "Blackbird" being picked on a guitar and sung by a fellow sitting by the dinner rolls. What an experience!

For me, the memorial service in the afternoon was a lesson in how not to live my life. This man was remembered for being a "giant" in his industry. For loving sports, especially baseball and golf and for being an incredibly lucky gambler. Very little was said about his family and most people agreed, he was rude, insensitive and cold to most people. The phrase, "But that was just how he was," was repeated over and over. So sad. He wasn't one of my favorite people in the world, I'd agree he was usually cold and rude and brusque in manner, but very little was said about the tender heart he had for his kids and grandkids. It was good to see old friends and catch up with them, but I felt a little jipped out of an afternoon where I could have carried on the momentum from the weekend. I was the good daughter though, I made the family happy (my parents) and I think my presence mattered to the grieving family. Sometimes we just need to bite the bullet and do what's right, even if we'd rather do something else.

So thanks for sending the good thoughts and prayers my way! I'd highly recommend that if you can, get away for a break now and again - even if it's only for a few hours. It's such a good way to recharge your batteries. Better than botox - that little line between my eyebrows - gone after the night away! And coming home is so sweet - Brad and the kids had made me a chocolate cake and were waiting with big hugs. Mmmmm . . . life is good.


Jenny said...

What a delicious weekend. These times of rest are so important.

BTW, I was reading your blog when your comment popped up on my blog. Doo-doo-doo-doo.

Laini Taylor said...

How lovely to have a mini-vacation close to home! I haven't done that as far as staying in a hotel, but even just an afternoon of drifting around the city can be so nice, I can imagine how a whole day and night must be. Also, glad to read about you going to the Saturday Market -- I haven't been in a while but it's very close to my heart.

Brad said...

So, you didn't tell me about the little shopping trip. Is ther anything else I need to know???
Sweet Brad

Left-handed Trees... said...

I loved reading about your weekend of "down-time"...need more of this myself.

Dean Christensen said...

Don't know if it was intentional or not, but I loved your bit about "killing time before going to the memorial service."

Now that's funny.


Leah Kadwell said...

Your weekend sounds delightful... I need one of those once every three months or so!! Do I take one? Well of course not. However my weekend away with two colleagues last month was refreshing indeed. Looking forward to next month and our 10th wedding anniversary when we get to go away overnight with no kids... Now THAT is relaxing :)

Michelle O'Neil said...

I've done this before but it's been a loooong time. It is so good to "get away" without having to deal with the stress of travel.

What a great reminder! Glad you had a relaxing time and thank you for sharing!

Amber said...

How BEAUTIFUL it is there! *sigh* I wish I had been with you! What fun that would have been. I am so happy you had a nice time.
I WISH we had a Whole Food here! I love it better than any department store. It is like a heaven to me. LOL. When I get to actual Heaven, I expect it to have a Whole Foods on every corner...Only, everything is paid for in hugs and kisses. ;)


Darlene said...

This sound like a dream weekend away. Good job on the planning :)

and brad was so sweet about it all...gotta love that!

HHMmmmm love is good,
xox darlene