Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Learning New Words . . .

Last week we had dinner at Brad's mom and dad's house. A tradition in our family is to play games at the table after a meal. They are not really board games, but more along the lines of guessing games, 20 questions, etc. We decided to play the "Dictionary" game and pulled out a couple of copies of dictionaries for reference.

The instructions were to look up a word, say and spell the word and each person around the table would offer up a definition. Each round had two winners - the definition closest to the actual definition and the most creative option. The person choosing the word would pick the winners each round.

My 9-year old son flipped through the pages, plunked his finger down on the page and announced, "Trowloup." Hmmm - trowloup? Wow that is an interesting sounding word. Never heard it.

"Buddy - can you spell it for us?" I asked.

"T-r-o-l-l-o-p. Trowloup." He said proudly.

Grandma and Dad start to snicker.

"I have a definition," I said. "A fruit filled dessert. Like a tart."

Grandma just about fell off her chair she was trying so to contain her giggles.

And by the way, I won that round. But I had some explaining to do later about the words in the real definition. I was hoping to expand our kids' vocabulary but not with words like, prostitute, promiscuous, and sexual exploits. Maybe we should go back to 20 questions next time.


Cheryl said...

Too funny! ;-)

Alex S said...

That is a wonderful gift you are giving your kids- QUALITY time together. I don't think enough families gather around a table much anymore to just have good old fashioned fun together. And I also wanted to tell you you don't have to wait for the poet dog books! I was referring to the book, Max Makes a Million, by Maira Kalman! Its wonderful! And if you like it there are two more about Max, the poet dog who moves to France. The words and illustrations are just perfect. Let me know if you get it!

Deirdre said...

I'm giggling too. Oh, how sweet that innocence is.

Deb R said...

ROFL!! Too funny!!

Jenny said...

So funny :-)

briliantdonkey said...

4 million words in the dictionary and that is the one that he comes upon. That is hilarious........boys will indeed be boys even when they aren't trying to be I guess.


Anonymous said...

At last, a chance to comment (Blogger's been berserk the last two times I attempted). Such a funny story. You could also say that "Trollope" is the name of two famous English writers - Anthony Trollope and Joanna. :) It's great that you're playing games together as a family.

Michelle O'Neil said...
