Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Spring Cleaning the Soul

Today I was challenged with three questions regarding the small group I lead at church. What will I stop doing (the implication being - it's just not working); what will I continue to do (implication - it is working); and, what will I start doing (what could work better or in addition to what already is working). The context was our role as facilitator/leader of the small groups, but the question got me thinking to all of my life.

So, here's a few ideas, fresh from my recently vacationed mind, body and soul.
  • I will stop using food as an anesthetic. (I pretty much cut my sugar intake by 2/3 over vacation and have felt better than I can remember in a long time.)
  • I will stop dwelling on the expectation that I should have the perfect work situation at this time in my life.
  • I will stop feeling guilty for taking time to be who I am.
  • I will continue to exercise (walking for hours a day at Disney was a great start and I've been on the treadmill every day since trying to keep up the habit).
  • I will continue to seek to follow the example of Jesus in my relationships. He is the only one who loved perfectly, sacrificed perfectly and accepted others without condition in all instances. My hope is that I could do that at least for those closest to me and make some sort of a difference in their lives and the lives of others with that example.
  • I will continue to read for pleasure, for learning, and for enrichment. I will not feel guilty for this passion as the time I spend on it is valuable and necessary for me to be who I am supposed to be.
  • I will start fighting my patterns of thinking that make me a slave to fear. Instead of cowering each time it shows its ugly face in my life, seeking to intimidate and paralyze me into complacancy and stagnation, I will work on staring it back in the face and sticking out my tongue in defiance as I sidestep its mass of waste and move forward to the treasures that are just down the path.
  • I will start writing more for fun. I will participate in the next Sunday Scribblings and will post what I write, no matter how bad I think it is!

So there it is - for the world (or for the few who visit anyway) to see. The spring cleaning of my soul - well, it's a start anyway!

1 comment:

Laini Taylor said...

Hi Kim, I hope you WILL participate in Sunday Scribblings! Also, the 3 questions you mention here are very good and thought-provoking ones. Those could be a good writing exercise too. As for a habit of walking, having dogs helps with that -- once they're in the habit, they won't let you off the hook! We walk our dogs every morning, rair or shine, all year, and love it.