Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The good news, the bad news and any old news

Okay - time for some fun.

Today's headlines were a veritable buffet line of snark and fun mixed with a bit of hope. Who can resist these headlines?

"Twin Pandas Each Give Birth to Twins in China" - So exciting! A boost to the conservation efforts of these beautiful creatures. Do you think they're registered at Babies R Us?

Not to be outdone by the Pandas . . .
"Colorado-born Lynx has Twin Kittens" Awwww - ain't that sweet! Love is in the air . . . and speaking of kittens . . .

"Pictures of Tomkitten to Come This Fall" - seems only appropriate that one of the most bizarre Hollywood couples would treat their kid like a pilot program for a network channel. "Let's wait for sweeps week and then release her photo! Yeah - that's the ticket!" Groan.

"Robin Williams in Rehab" - OK not to get too snarky here, but what the heck took the media so long to figure this one out? There have been reports of sightings of him here in Oregon for weeks. I have to believe this only became a real story AFTER the Mel Gibson escapade. Drunk celebrities are news this week, next week they'll just be just . . . well, drunk celebrities.

"Another Reality TV Marriage Flames Out" Oh my gosh, really? (snark) Travis Barker of Blink-182 and beauty queen Shanna Moakler announced they are divorcing. Let's see, Nick & Jess, Dave & Carmen, Travis & Shanna - MTV as a matchmaker? 0 for 3.

"McCartneys Hire Charles & Diana Lawyers" Oh the British Press have to be drooling like dogs at the butcher shop window. "It's all getting Muccy" says The Sun. (A play on McCartney's last name.) This will be fodder for the rags for months if it drags on the way they're predicting. OK - who are Paul McCartney's friends and advisors? They should all be tarred and feathered in Traffalager Square for letting this guy get married without a pre-nup. Duh!

"Extra Finger Leads Salem Police to Arrest" This one's courtesy of the local news here in Oregon (KGW - Newschanel 8). Yup - we got some smart criminal types out here.

When police asked suspect Kenneth McPherson for his name, he gave officers his brother'’s name and date of birth instead, said Lt. Steve Bellshaw with the Salem Police Department.

However, police quickly uncovered McPherson'’s lie -- a check of the brother's criminal history revealed he only had nine fingers.

“Officers quickly verified the person they had in custody was in possession of all 10 of his fingers,” Bellshaw said. “When confronted by the ‘extra’ finger, McPherson gave up his true identity and the fact he had four warrants for his arrest, all previous drug-related charges.”

McPherson was charged with giving false information to a police officer.

"World Trade Center Movie Opens" - I have nothing snarky to say about this one. In fact, I'm a bit frustrated with critics who say it's too soon to be doing movies about this catastrophic event. Excuse me, but I'm personally grateful that there are those that will keep this event in front of us so we don't forget. It is far to easy to slip into denial and complacancy and forget our vulnerabilities. I don't want to live our lives in fear, but we must keep some sort of awareness that there are those few, but crazy individuals that would like to see us destroyed simply because we are Americans. I'm very interested in collecting those hooligans and locking them away. My idea of the perfect torture would be to have them watch a continuous cycle of "Teletubbies", Reruns of the best of Tammy Faye Bakker and the best of Sesame Street (this last one so they could see what good world citizens really look like!) The rest of their countrymen and women, I'd like to wish them well and say, "Peace - live your lives - worship as you desire - practice your culture as you desire and please grant us the same."

And the best headline today (in my humble opinion) . . .

"Israel on Hold" If they can't hang up, we'll take a hold. Please Lord, stop this suffering for all involved. Those of you who pray, or practice, or think positive thoughts, please lift up those thoughts and prayers that walls of pride will fall and reason will prevail and a cease fire will be reached quickly.


Amber said...

Aww. I feel bad for Robin Williams. I know he gives a lot of time and money away, and he is never preachy or seeking attention for it. I hope he can get it together soon. ;)

Watch and see. I will bet that the Tomkitten (barffing now), has Downs or something. I bet they were trying to get it together and learn to deal with some problem, before opening up to the world... And who cares? Anyone? You in the back? No? No.

And AMEN sister, about that movie. Fitting, after the news this AM, no?? Pft! Get it together people! Pull you head out.


Laini Taylor said...

Ah, news. Or shall I say, "news." I was in Los Angeles last week and from time to time turned on the "news" in the hotel -- and I couldn't believe what ridiculous stuff they make seem important, as if there aren't REAL things happening in the world! Also, be careful with getting into the torture business. You might start out with teletubbies, but it's a slippery slope. Before long you'll be forcing them to watch reality shows like Paradise Hotel and The Bachelor -- and then, your own soul will be on the line!

Deb R said...

Brava, Kim! Excellent post all the way through!!

briliantdonkey said...


Pandas: hmmmm that brings the whole 'and they told two friends and they told two friends' thing to a whole other level.

Re: Robin williams,,,

Unfortunately that isn't surprising in the least.

re:arrest- Guess you could say he gave cops the finger.....

okay, 5 am and I am getting nutty even for me so shutting up now.


Writer Bug said...

What a fun and thoughtful post! I cracked up at the finger criminal, and awwwed over the animal twins. The post is a good reminder that even when things are going really awfully (Mideast war), there are amazing things too (Panda twins).