Friday, July 11, 2008

Yesterday, I inhaled . . .

I took a day.

For me.

And it was just what I needed. Scratch that. I need about 10 more, but yesterday was a good start.

I walked the streets of my beloved downtown Portland and enjoyed the mild summer day. It was perfect. Blue skies, a soft breeze, warm sunshine, lots of interesting people. And noise. Trucks rumbling down streets, street musicians, the pounding of joggers feet on the riverfront and the hum of a thousand conversations going on around me that didn't include (or demand) me.

It was bliss.

As I sat on the bench, staring at the river in the quiet of my own mind, I thought, "I really need to be better about doing this." As much as brushing my teeth, or exercising or eating healthy nourishes my physical body, I need to remember the importance of nourishing my soul with some intentional alone time now and again doing things I love (not just going to the grocery store alone). Why is it so hard to allow myself this? I know it fills my emotional and spiritual "well" and makes me a better wife, mom, co-worker, friend, etc. but there's just an element of self in it that makes it hard to fight for sometimes.

But I need it. And I'm not sorry I took it yesterday, and I plan on doing it again soon.

What do you do to fill yourself up?


Deirdre said...

It's amazing what a difference a little alone time makes. Just browsing and taking in the scenery can shift my attitude for several days. Portland is really a lovely city - a good place to refill the well.

Amber said...

*sigh* Oh man, I hear you. I need the same thing, and I never take it. Why not? I don't know.

Wish i could have been with you.


Jenny said...

How wonderful! So glad for your bliss.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like bliss! Alone time is so important!!

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