Saturday, September 20, 2008


What have I been doing?

Connecting with the needs of my physical self. Going to Weight Watchers, cutting out sugar and adding exercise to my routines. Connecting the dots that what I do now to take care of my body ensures that I will be able to be around to connect with my loved ones in the future.

Connecting with the needs of my professional self. Praying through some challenging work issues, working hard on a big event coming this fall and attending a professional conference for people who do what I do and some who do what I want to do for my organization. Enjoyed connecting with new people who really "get it". The challenge that lays before us in communicating important, life-changing messages in a relevant and effective way. It's a sweet salve to be in a room with the same passions, vision and calling as you. A real gift.

Connecting with my family. Conversations with my daughter about high-school, boys, sex, self-worth, self-image, eternity, serving and so much more. Loving this growing time for both of us. Trying to connect with my growing little boy who I can see is starting to enter the period of his life where things will start changing quickly for him. Trying to encourage him in his strengths and help him work through, around and over his weaknesses. Enjoying the sense of humor that God has given them both.

Connecting with my husband. Appreciating him more and more for the sacrifices he makes. Painted our house together a few weekends ago and gained a new appreciation for all the summers he worked to bring in extra funds for the family. So proud of the new professional direction he is moving in to become and administrator in the education profession. He is so gifted in in inspiring and motivating people to do their best for kids.

Connecting with God. Realizing how much work I have yet to do in my life. Grateful for his love, that is enough (in spite of what I think I must add to the equation). Blue as the sky in spite of storm clouds that might come through. Connecting the dots of my struggles to realize that pride is a big part of the frustrations and anger I carry around like a pack on my back. Asking Him to lighten the load as I give things over to Him.

Connecting with the knowledge that I'm not done yet.


Michelle O'Neil said...

You are so wise. All problems are spiritual problems, requiring spiritual solutions. Connection is the answer. Always.

Amber said...

I am happy to hear that is what you have been up to. It is all good, good stuff. You are such a greta mom, it is so OBVIOUS. I love it. Hearing how you parent blesses me, as a mom. Gives me more info for my map. ;)


Amber said...
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Alexandra Saperstein said...

Kim! Just saw your comment on Laini's blog and wanted to wish you a MErry Christmas !! Can you believe all this snow??? I would love to see you again super soon ! lets meet for coffee and catch up. In the meantime, I hope you are doing just great!