Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Good Addiction

I'm hooked. Found this through a link at Michelle's blog, she got it from a friend of hers. You go to this site and play a vocabulary game. For every right answer, they donate rice to countries in need.

Wanna play? I got to level 42 before I was stumped and then spent another half an hour going between level 38 and 41, never made it back over 42 but earned over 2,000 grains of rice today. In the words of a famous governor, "I'll be back . . . "


Jenny said...

One of my friends e-mailed that to me the other day. It's addicting!

Jennifer said...

I love this website too! How cool is's a guilty pleasure minus the guilt!!

Jennifer said...

I love this website too! How cool is's a guilty pleasure minus the guilt!!

Odie said...

This is really great! I donated over 2300 grains of rice. I will add this to my blog and see if we can tip the scales of world hunger, even by just a few grains of rice. Thanks for sharing this!!!

Amber said...

I will try when i am not ready for bed!


Michelle O'Neil said...

It is addictive, isn't it!

Rebecca/Becki/ mom said...

okay i played this game for 45 minutes without stopping.
addictive i would say,
thanks for sharing your vices.
Becki c.
8600 grains later.............

Wanda said...

Just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and tell you another Bible Study group I'm involved with are doing a study in Phil. We are using your book as one of our refrences. Also memorizing the book of Phil. So far I have 19 verses learned.
Love Ya,